Information meeting

On December 1, 2023, the Information Meeting will take place at the Royal Library of Belgium in Brussels. 

Is your city a candidate? Be sure to mark this date in your calendar and subscribe before 20 november to reserve your place.

Program of the day

When? Friday 1 december 2023
Where? Auditorium, Royal Library of Belgium, Avenue de l'Empereur 4, 1000 Brussels
Language? English 
Deadline? Register before 20 November 

09:30: Welcome with coffee
10:00: Start of the day  
10:15: European Commission on the objectives, criteria and procedures of ECOC
12:00: Lunch 
13:30: Jurjen van der Weg on ECOC Leeuwarden 2018
14:15: Nancy Braun on Esch-sur-Alzette ECOC 2022
15:00: Kaatje Gevaert of VLEVA on European Funding 
16:00: End of the day with coffee  

Max. 5 participants per candidate city


Register before 20 November

* required fields

Questions? Contact us

Secretariat ECOC2030BE Committee 
Department of Culture, Youth and Media 
Arenbergstraat 9
1000 Brussels

Phone number
+32 2 553 21 88
